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Bill Gafford

Geoscience Center and Museum News - November 2023

Bookcase at Sheriff Library

As we continue to expand the Bob Sheriff Library, we have added a new section which contains notebooks and personal files from a variety of geoscientists. These include Enders Robinson, Carl Savit, Hugh Hardy, Tom Portwood, Bob Sheriff, and Fred Carstens. A picture of this section of the library is included with this article. There is also a section of the library that includes publications from a variety of oil companies and contractors, as well as newsletters from the Denver Geophysical Society and the Southeastern Geophysical Society. Periodicals included are EAGE First Break, EAGE Geophysical Prospecting, AAPG Bulletin, Environmental Geosciences, GCAGS Transactions, HGS Bulletins, SEG Geophysics, SEG The Leading Edge, SEG Interpretation, and SEG Annual Meeting Technical Program Abstracts.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for anyone interested in helping out at the Geoscience Center. A list of projects is maintained that includes working with our museum artifacts or helping research the history of some of the more unusual items. One of these projects involves preparing a 1970’s GUS-BUS seismic recording system for display at one of our museum displays in Houston. We are looking for historical information about the development, features, and significance of the system in order to prepare display signage. Another project involves completing the assembly of an electronic seismic chart similar to the one used in many of the Outreach school activities. This one is smaller and more portable than the larger one. Please contact me at if you might be interested in helping out with either project or volunteering your time for other projects.

As the number of books in our Bob Sheriff Library has continued to increase, the need for bookcases has increased also. One of our volunteers, Gene Womack, has helped us acquire a number of bookcases that have been built and donated by the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Wood Shop ministry, where he volunteers. They recently built us a new custom size bookcase. Gene tells the following story:

About 20 years ago, I met a neighbor, 2 blocks removed, who was tinkering with wood in his garage. Since I also tinkered, he had a proposition, come with him to the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church's Wood Shop. It sounded like a good place to tinker with all of the tools that I did not have. My friend introduced me to the Wood Shop Supervisor, Hugh Parker. Hugh is a retired Shell geophysicist and asked me to tinker with the tinkerers. Since he was an ex client and I was with a contractor, Robert H. Ray Company, you don't refuse a client---remember they know best

The Wood Shop also builds about 15,000 wooden Toys for Tots, every year, in addition to furniture for the church children’s ministries. We thank him and his fellow male and female woodworkers.

It turns out that Hugh and his wife designed and won $25.00 for the GSH logo in 1967!

For any questions about the GSH Geoscience Center contact Bill Gafford at



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